Misdemeanor criminal citations (tickets) are often issued by officers for alleged violations of criminal laws such as driving without a valid driver’s license, underage drinking, disorderly conduct, trespassing, etc. The date for your appearance is shown on the bottom of the citation. You MUST appear in court on that day UNLESS you have signed the backside of the ticket admitting to the crime(s) and mailed the ticket to the court with a money order or cashier’s check for the appropriate fine.
Otherwise, your appearance in Court on criminal misdemeanor citations is mandatory. The appearance date may not be continued unless the court approves your written motion to continue or the District Attorney’s Office stipulates with you to continue the date. Information regarding motions and stipulations is available on our FAQ page.
You can appear in court on any Court Monday at 9:30 a.m. BEFORE your appearance date to personally request a continuance. Your request will be heard in court later that day at 1:30 p.m.
Civil Infraction Violations
Civil infraction citations are often issued by officers for alleged violations of certain traffic laws pursuant to NRS 484A.7049 and where the citation is marked as civil infraction.
You have 90 days from the date the citation was issued to either pay the civil penalty in full or to request a hearing to contest the citation. If you do not pay the citation in full or contest the citation the court may enter an order finding that you committed the civil infraction(s) and assessing a monetary civil penalty and assessments, refer the case to collections, and/or order the suspension of your driver license.
If you do not wish to contest the citation, you may pay online, pay at the court’s customer service window, or by mailing the full amount in the form of a Money Order or Cashier’s Check made payable to Tahoe Justice Court, P.O. Box 7169 Stateline, NV 89449. If you mail the full amount of the citation, the court accepts this as you are not going to contest your citation and payment will be processed and case closed.
The court does offer payment plan and community service options if you are unable to pay the citation in full. Please contact the court to discuss your options.
Contesting Your Citation
If you would like to contest your civil infraction citation, you may do so by posting a cash bond in the amount equivalent to the civil penalty indicated on the citation. A hearing will be scheduled once you have posted the cash bond and you will be notified of your court date by mail. It is your responsibility to ensure the court has your correct mailing address. You can pay the cash bond at the court’s customer service window, by calling the court, paying online, or by mail. At this time, all those contesting should download the Request for Hearing form below, fill it in and mail or bring to the court.
If you are unable to pay the civil penalty you may complete the Waiver of Posting Bond Form and submit it to the court by mail or in person.
Making Payment
When you click on Pay Online you will be directed to our payment processor website. In the Payment Type field you will have three options to select.

- Select Fines and Fees if you are paying a filing fee, paying a fine, paying for record searches, or a misdemeanor traffic citation.
- Select Admit to Infraction and Pay in Full if you are not contesting the citation civil infraction traffic citation.
- Select Contesting/Posting Cash Bond if you are contesting the citation civil infraction traffic citation.
Tahoe Justice Court is in Stateline, Douglas County, Nevada.